Data & insights

We work systematically to provide valid data and deliver valuable insights that can help you make the right decisions when planning and executing strategies in the stores.

Data collection brings you valuable  KNOWLEDGE based on facts and you can easily evaluate your performance in the stores. We are also happy to recommend actions that can help boost your ROI and SALES in the near future.

We offer you a usefull tool and a report than can be adjusted to your needs. A report typically includes dashboard overview on a KPI level, data files on shop and SKU level as well as photo documentation of critical situations (such as OOS)

Our reports are dynamic and enables you to segment data in order to identify cause and reason. If you already have a store assessment system in place, we can also work with this.

Valid and accurate data is the key to success. That’s why our employees receive comprehensive training, so they know what is required and we also check data quality and validate data based on gathered photo documentation.

Find inspiration in our standard products below or contact us for an individual solution designed for your needs.

Perfect Store (OOS/OSA)

When working with Perfect Store, we operate to support the best presence of your product throughout the entire store. This could be product performance on:

  • Shelf availability and number of facings
  • Shelf placement
  • Price signage and correct pricing
  • Campaign compliance
  • Secondary placing/displays

We always observe the store from the perspective of the shopper. This means that the product must be available where the shopper expects to find it.

You can choose to run your own Perfect Store Setup or you can subscribe to one of IN-STORE’s many ongoing projects which gives you reduced per-visit costs.

Campaign check

Campaign check is intended to follow up if campaigns are executed on time and in the right place as agreed with retail.

  • Campaign compliance – displays, placing and size
  • Price signage and POS materials
  • Shelf availability and number of facings
  • Photos of displays

We visit the stores as specified in the beginning of the campaign

Space check

When checking space we observe if  your products have the agreed placing on the shelf. It is important to document whether the store complies with the planogram.

  • Planogram check
  • Fair Shelf Share
  • Competitor observation
  • Photo of space

We visit a representative sections of the stores.

Mystery shopping

Mystery shopping provides you with a “reality check” of how shoppers experience your product in the store – what first-hand impression they get from the sales staff, whether the products are promoted, what service and advice they receive.

IN-STORE Mystery shopping gives you a strategic tool that enables you to act on the basis of actual data. We work with you to develop a questionnaire and clarify image requirements, set a schedule, locations, etc.

Mystery shopping may entail:

  • Shop visits
  • Competitor visits
  • Interview
  • Telephone calls

Shopper insights

Do you know you target group well enough?

Shopper insights provides you with valuable insights of your target group. Learn more about shopper preference of brands, products and price as well as shopper behaviour and demographics. The survey gives you shopper insights and brings you closer to your target group.

We work with you to develop a questionnaire that matches your needs.  Our employees will be given a thorough briefing before executing the interviews. Finally you will recieve a complete, report from us with conclusions. The report will give you insights based on facts and will serve as a valuable tool when planning your future communication, marketing and sales strategy.